Surgery Drapes And Gowns?

The need for surgical drapes to be made of barrier-quality materials is recommended on the basis of theoretical rationale.Their primary purpose is to protect sterile surgical zones from microbial invasion.With the emergence of the era associated with the transmission of bloodborne pathogens, the surgeon's gown suddenly acquired an additional role - protecting the members of the surgical team from the patient.

There are several factors to consider when choosing surgical drapes and gowns.Together they must provide a barrier for the patient and the health care worker against penetration by microorganisms and blood and body fluids present during the surgical procedures.They should be comfortable,hypoallergenic,non-toxic,resist combustion and wrapped into packs that are resistant to punctures and abrasions and are easy open.

Conventional linen draping has little to recommend it, other than it gives a semblance of asepsis. A plastic drape material would make an ideal bacteriologic barrier; but is heat producing and is, therefore, not suitable in its present form. A prepared paper drape suitably treated to make it waterproof appears to be ideal as a bacterial barrier and is convenient. Collateral advantages of lesser importance are that it can be used in a single layer, is disposable and simple to store.